Category Archives: Arte

every Art work I consider interesting and worth spreading

Asian Contemporary Sculpture, part.1

it’s time to come back…back to Art, back to blogging. Lately I got inspired by different Chinese, Taiwanese and Japanese sculpture artists. Some impressive structures with powerful messages, and other small pieces with delicate and surreal forms transformed into ceramic

Asian Contemporary Sculpture, part.1

it’s time to come back…back to Art, back to blogging. Lately I got inspired by different Chinese, Taiwanese and Japanese sculpture artists. Some impressive structures with powerful messages, and other small pieces with delicate and surreal forms transformed into ceramic

photography on the road

besides art another of my passion is photography, meanwhile some consider it more a science than an art… I believe the right amount of both areas is needed to get the right shot. To take photos, see photo-exhibitions, read photography

photography on the road

besides art another of my passion is photography, meanwhile some consider it more a science than an art… I believe the right amount of both areas is needed to get the right shot. To take photos, see photo-exhibitions, read photography

russia, fiddlers and circus …

…what do all this three words have in common, can you guess? Maybe I can give you a hint, it has to do with a famous artist. Got it?! YES, this months artist is Marc Chagall. He was a russian artist

russia, fiddlers and circus …

…what do all this three words have in common, can you guess? Maybe I can give you a hint, it has to do with a famous artist. Got it?! YES, this months artist is Marc Chagall. He was a russian artist

My Art Basel Hong Kong review

Back to blogging after a couple of hectic weeks…but hopefully I might delight you with some interesting news from this site of the world. This past week Art Basel disembarked in Hong Kong, Art Basel Hong Kong 2013, one of

My Art Basel Hong Kong review

Back to blogging after a couple of hectic weeks…but hopefully I might delight you with some interesting news from this site of the world. This past week Art Basel disembarked in Hong Kong, Art Basel Hong Kong 2013, one of